neuromarketing world

Decoding the Neuromarketing World Forum 2019, by Lluís Martínez-Ribes


One more year, The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA) has organised the Neuromarketing World Forum (NWF), which is one of its flagship activities. In this two-day event, held in Rome, there were 18 talks delivered by professionals in this sector.

Lluís Martínez-Ribes, who assisted this NWF19, highlights some aspects of its content.

One of the most relevant aspects is that the majority of the talks referred to neuromarketing as a method to measure customers’ body reaction towards certain stimuli. This means that neuromarketing is generally understood as a tool for stimuli validation. However, none of the speakers mentioned how useful and interesting it can be to use the learnings from neuroscience to conceptualise brands, retail formulas or products created from scratch.

In this regard, what can be obtained by using neuromarketing as a tool to validate stimuli are some incremental improvements, but not disruptive innovations. Therefore, it will be necessary to consider other methods offered by neuromarketing, such as brain-pleasing marketing, which is already being successfully applied in projects from a very diverse nature.

Considering all this, Lluís Martinez-Ribes has written an article on which, besides providing his own interpretation of the content of this NWF19, he also makes some assumptions about the future paths in the use of neuromarketing in the near future.

This article, published in Lluis’ LinkedIn profile, is called ‘Decoding the Neuromarketing World Forum 2019’. You can read the complete text here.